Forests are the lifeblood of the planet. Filled with trees and underbrush, forests contain complex ecosystems flourishing with life. They also play an indispensable role in watershed protection, producing oxygen, preventing soil erosion, and lessening the impacts of climate change. Additionally, forests are a valuable source of materials used in the production of paper goods and other products that require wood by-products. Though they are vital to our existence, forests are constantly threatened by human activity.

By definition, a forest is an area whose tree canopies provide 60%-100% cover. While 30% of the world is currently covered in forest, that percentage is rapidly decreasing. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that we lose approximately 50,000 square miles of forest every single year due primarily to human activities. As humans continue to settle and develop land through activities like logging, agriculture, and ranching, they raze forests along the way. The loss of forests sends local ecosystems into a tail spin and threatens the entire planet with the prospect of global warming.

So what can be done? At the World Forestry Center, we attempt to educate the public on the wonders of our world’s forests and the dangers of deforestation. We also lead initiatives to protect forests through fundraising, lobbying, and replanting. You too can play a crucial role in saving our planet’s forests. Join today to find out how you can make a difference!